Thursday 17 November 2011

One Single Woman

Dave, a teen aged 15 had a quarrel with his mother. Since it was during his rebellious period of his teenage life, he could only lament what we teenagers would always claim, "You don't understand me at all! You'll never give me what I want!" The quarrel took a turn for the worse and Dave, on impulse, stormed out of his house and shouted at his mother, "I'm leaving for good! I have friends I can depend on anyway!"

He contacted his friends, his close ones. He was greeted with the usual conformity like how teenagers engage in a talk. Upon mention about his predicament, they either replied that their parents will not approve of him staying over in such a short notice or they were busy. He had no one to rely on. Left alone, he wondered along the streets until late afternoon.

In the moment of fury, he left house in the morning without eating and now hunger brought him to a noodle store in front of a coffeeshop. He reached his pockets, empty. He stared blankly at the shop and customers taking trays of noodles to their tables. The boss of the noodle store then saw him standing there for quite some time and asked what would he like to eat.

Dave: "I have no money with me."

Boss: "Its okay, the noodles will be on the house."

The boss then offered the noodles to Dave at no expense. As the crowd died down, the boss approached Dave and curiously asked,

Boss: "Why're you out here, not at home?"

Dave: "I had a quarrel with my mother! I left house this morning and had nothing to eat since then. Even you understand me better than that of my mother and knew I was hungry!"

Boss: "I'm disappointed. I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you thank me as if I'm better than your mother. Your mother gave you your life and took care of you since the day you were born, have you even said thank you to her? Enjoy your noodles and go home."

He walked off, shaking his head.

Dave thought about his words as he strolled along a path so familiar. Deep in thoughts, unknowingly, he reached his doorstep. All he saw was his mother waiting and what all mothers would do..Nag.

Mom: "Dave! Where have you been since morning! You didn't bring any money I gave you the other day and handphone! How you call me? Go in wash up and eat your dinner!"

On the table, there was already his portion prepared for him.


; How many times have you thanked your Mom for doing things that you may not have noticed and took granted for besides on Mother's Day?
; Instead of claiming your friends "Understand You better than your family do", why not think about your family's concern for you that is why they do things you don't like?
; Will your friends always be there for you? They come and go, your family don't.
; There is no overnight feud between your parents, siblings and you.

Your parents give you the best without asking for returns. Don't take it for granted, learn to make the best from the best they ALWAYS give to you unconditionally.

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