Friday 18 November 2011

There are no pessimistic sides to anything.

A grandmother had two sons, one of them sells straw hats while the other, umbrellas.

She had be worrying for years for these two sons of hers. Her concerns were:
1) During rainy days, the straw hats will not sell.
2) During sunny days, the umbrellas would not sell.

One day, a monk came to beg for urns and one glance at the lady whose face was wrinkled, he could not hold back and asked, "What is making you so unhappy? Care to share? I may provide you with answers. :)"

She sighed and invited him in and lamented about her worries and the situation.

The monk could only smile and joyfully claim, " You love your sons, so you should be optimistic about their businesses. Thinking in this way may make you happier!
1) During sunny days, your son selling straw hats will reap big profits!
2) During rainy days, your son selling umbrellas will reap big profits!"

The grandmother was enlightened. She had been thinking in a way which worried her for years, yet her sons are still well-to-do. If she could think in the way the monk had described, she would be happier through the years and yet, her sons will still be well-to-do. It was a simple logic and our choice of thinking.

Many a time, when we are faced with difficulties, we would narrow our views to the negative side of it. Yet, we could have chosen to be positive about it and learn from our mistakes if we fail, or sail through tough tides to reach a more meaningful success.

This post is dedicated to all students going through examinations and promotions, especially those faced with the situation of being not able to promote to the next year. Be positive, instead of going to major exams (GCE A/O Level etc.) with results that scrape you through your promotions, try preparing yourself another year. There is no wasted time unless you deem it. You can make it and even be more successful than your peers.

"Know your weaknesses and your enemies, then, fight a hundred battles and win a hundred battles." ~ Sun Tzu's Art of War

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